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UK MENSA Magazine Cover Story

Saturday, 13 September 2008

My first cover story since Drum Media in Sydney in 1998.

Pretty exciting for me, even though the Australian media dismisses me as a nobody and of little to no interest to the Australian audience as I am not on Australian TV, even though I cannot get an interview or article in Australia and no PR agent wants to represent me, those that I contacted and spoke to were disdainful and some where even somewhat condescending to me, when even some unnamed (you know who you are) management at the Sydney Dance Company outright said I was not of interest to the media....

Here I am Front cover and a 3 page internal story in a magazine that has a 24,000 member distribution.... 

24,000 highly intelligent and intellectually gifted people will see me this month, in that mix somewhere is a couple of possible working contacts surely.

With no further ado I bring you the cover and internal pages in .pdf format so you can read the article exactly as printed:

Mensa Magazine Front Cover

Conan Article Page 1

Conan Article Page 2

Conan Article Page 3

If you have trouble reading the pages you will need either Adobe Acrobat reader or the faster, much preferred Free Foxit PDF Reader. Look for the free download option.

Now I have sent this article off to a friend who does some fitness articles for a few magazines in Australia to peek his interest, so you may even see me in the Australian media at some stage soon - wow wouldn't that be amazing amongst such a small minded local community???

(Maybe they aren't all small minded (big fish in the small pond syndrome), maybe it is just that I have unluckily only contacted the bad eggs thus far). 

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