Photos of Conan in Movies

Making A Decision

Saturday, 20 January 2007

All of us at several times during our lives are forced to make decisions that are difficult to make. We are put in a position where we do not know the best path to take, often at least one choice will be emotionally painful.

When I am stuck in this position here is how I quickly come to a decision.... 


Beating Depression

Tuesday, 09 January 2007

Everyone suffers from depression every so often, this is not such a big deal IF you can turn your thoughts around to beating depression... otherwise you can sink lower and lower into your troubles until they seem to be your whole world.

There have been times in my life when beating depression has been a rigorous daily exercise , even just recently... 

#1 TIP: You are most likely Magnesium deficient, get a good organic based supplement, some Magnesium cannot be absorbed by your body so don't go the numbers do a little research. I personally went from massive depression and lethargy laying on the couch all day to jumping about like my normal manic self injust three days after taking a good quality magnesium supplement.

Epsom salts are a good way to boost your magnesium, take a bath in a cupful. (UPDATE 2015: I now add a teaspoon of Magnesium Chloride crystals to 6 litres of drinking water that I ingest daily, MgCl can be bought online easily.)


Affirmation Statements - Most People Waste Their Time

Wednesday, 06 December 2006

Affirmation statements are short sentences you say over and over to impress their meaning upon your mind.

The reasoning behind  affirmation statements is that if you say certain words to yourself over and over the universe will attract those things to you and you will essentially get something for nothing - what rubbish, that is not how the world, nor affirmation statements work.... 


I Can't Succeed My Life Is So Hard - Results Or Excusitis

Wednesday, 06 December 2006

Recently on a Bodybuilding forum I read a post by a fellow who was moving on to campus, he was whining because all they supplied him with was a microwave oven, wooh is me, cry cry cry. I cannot possibly become fit and muscular. I cannot succeed my life is so hard...

This example of excusitis is not just limited to this single individual.

Now to show how you can succeed and prosper in a difficult environment, let me tell you how to beat excusitis...


How To Ask The Right Question To Get The Right Answer

Wednesday, 06 December 2006

Do you ever have a problem and you just can’t figure out how to solve it?

Do you spend hours and hours thinking about the problem but no answers come?

Here's how to fix that wasted time and solve problems quickly... 

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