Photos of Conan in Movies

More Movie Posters

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Following this weeks theme of movie posters from movies that I have been in, I have dug up the posters/DVD covers for the Thai movie Bodyguard 2 and the French movie I'lle Aux Tresors....

First of all Bodyguard 2 starring Jock Mock (Marm) Thailands number 1 comedian:

The Bodyguard 2 movie poster

Bodyguard 2 Movie Poster

A quick reminder of Bodyguard 2, I played in a daily stuntman role, just 2 days shooting. This was my 2nd Thai movie that I worked on and even though it was a small part it was a very popular movie locally and I was seen by a lot of people in the industry in Thailand so it was worth doing in that it introduced me.

This is the scene leading up to the 'fight' we have: 


And next I found the movie poster for I'lle Aux Tresors (Island of Treasure) starring French stars Alice Taglioni and Gerard Jugnot:

Aux Tresors Movie Poster

And a few other photos from that filming:

Alice Taglioni on Elle cover

Bald with no comb over please barber


Die Spaniard

Pigs Might Not Fly But Spaniards Do

TF1 News (France)

Conan and Gerard Jugnot

We Come For Your Daughter

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